Dr. Joy Douglas
Dr. Douglas is an Associate Professor in Human Nutrition, Hospitality and Sport Management, where she teaches courses in clinical nutrition and nutrition research. She earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in nutrition through the Department of Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management at The University of Alabama, and holds a doctoral degree in Health Education and Health Promotion from The University of Alabama. She has been a Registered Dietitian since 2007 and worked in acute and long term care settings for 10 years prior to joining the faculty at The University of Alabama in 2017. She has been a Board Certified Specialist in Gerontological Nutrition since 2015. Her research focuses on providing nutritional care for individuals with neurological conditions, including older adults with dementia and individuals with brain injuries. Her goal is to collaborate with health care facilities and community organizations to develop and implement nutrition programs that meet the needs of individuals with neurological conditions and their caregivers.
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